About Us/Our Story

About Us

At Growth and Maintenance we intend to depict not a message like other brands, but a made decision in all our pieces. A decision to work towards personal growth, and to be willing to maintain the steps you've taken forward. Wearing our apparel isn't merely a fashion statement, it is also an internal one.

Our Story

Growth & Maintenance came to be through multiple failed ideas & a desire to make it work. Our 23-year old founder went through a 2 year process of investing money, time, & passion in 5 failed ideas. But it eventually led to the creation of the brand & the printing of our first “Debut Tee” design.

We’re not where we intend to be yet, but if you understand our story, you understand we’re far from where we started. And in that simple statement, you can understand what Growth & Maintenance means & what it means to us.

We are a black-owned brand based out of Boston Massachusetts. But our founder's roots stem from being a first generation American, coming from parents of Jamaican heritage.

Words from our founder 

"I think through building this brand it changes the narrative for the communities I'm from and I'm a part of. I feel that the narrative we’ve set sometimes limits ourselves and the gift we have in each of us. I want Growth & Maintenance to be able to change the narrative and to stretch the boundaries. In those efforts I think it can serve as inspiration to others, to do the same in their own respective paths."


Changing the narrative of one's life through the pursuit of their vision is the driving force behind Growth & Maintenance. We feel that these things can only be achieved if you're willing to Grow & Maintain. Because of this, our mission is to influence the next person, to change their narrative through growing & maintaining.  

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